Setiap kali kita memperkatakan atau membicarakan tentang bahasa, yang sering menjadi fokus ialah perkara-perkara berkaitan nahu, sebutan baku, struktur tatabahasa, laras kata, loghat dan sebagainya, …
Antara Akal, Agama dan Wahyu: Di Mana Kekeliruannya?
Antara ulama Islam yang tidak melihat pertentangan antara akal dan wahyu ialah Ibn Rushd yang menulis Kitab al-kashf ‘an manahij al-‘adilla dan Kitab fasl al-maqal. …
The Pedagogical Duty of the Intelligentsia: To Speak Up, To Write Down and To Reach Out
“The living expression of the nation is the moving consciousness of the whole of the people; it is the coherent, enlightened action of men and …
Seeking Values within the Islamic Traditions
Islamic Values – Between Truth and Reality A prominent contemporary Muslim scholar, Fazlur Rahman [d. 1988], once posed a challenge to Muslims to rebuilt society …
Thinking about poverty: A personal reflection
During my stint at Hartford Seminary, I took a course on Global Ethics which focused on the effects of globalisation on nations, communities, cultures, religions …
Satu Islam Beragam Madzhab
Seringkali muncul perbedaan perilaku keagamaan di antara pemeluk suatu agama yang tinggal di suatu kawasan dengan kawasan lain. Gejala serupa tampak pada perbedaan sikap negeri-negeri …
Critical Tradition in Islam
A critical tradition begins with the recognition and appreciation for the space of critical thinking. The latter means the ability to discern and avert the …
Who is an Intellectual? Edward Said on the Moral Vocation of an Intellectual
“The role of the intellectual is not to consolidate authority, but to understand, interpret, and question it…Indeed, the intellectual vocation essentially is somehow to alleviate …