Humanism has a strong presence in classical Islam, be it in theological, philosophical, ethical, legal and literary traditions. For Muslims, the humanism that they understood …
Thinking about poverty: A personal reflection
During my stint at Hartford Seminary, I took a course on Global Ethics which focused on the effects of globalisation on nations, communities, cultures, religions …
Moral Vision and Social Critique – Selected Essays of Syed Hussein Alatas
This book is a collection of essays by the late prominent Malay thinker, sociologist and public intellectual, Prof. Syed Hussein Alatas. Covering a range of …
(Not So) Progressive Islam
The term ‘progressive’ has always been associated with something which favours or advocates progress, change, improvement or even reform. Hence, a progressive individual will always …
Satu Islam Beragam Madzhab
Seringkali muncul perbedaan perilaku keagamaan di antara pemeluk suatu agama yang tinggal di suatu kawasan dengan kawasan lain. Gejala serupa tampak pada perbedaan sikap negeri-negeri …
Isteri, Poligami dan… Masyarakat Melayu Singapura
Tabir Agama Sebuah rencana dalam segmen Fokus Berita Minggu yang bertajuk “Curang Dalam Rumah Tangga” telah disiarkan pada Ahad, 14 Ogos 2005 lalu. Melaluinya, kedangkalan …
Social Psychological Diagnosis of Modern Life Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations. Erich Fromm, Man for Himself. Erich Fromm, …
Emergence, Development and Evolution of Islamic Thought Fazlur Rahman, Islam. M.M. Sharif (ed.), A History of Muslim Philosophy (2 Vols) Majid Fakhry, Islamic Philosophy, Theology, …
Critical Tradition in Islam
A critical tradition begins with the recognition and appreciation for the space of critical thinking. The latter means the ability to discern and avert the …